Dutch Course for Foreigners NHA


Start with this easy and popular course and learn Dutch at home in your own pace.

Artikelnummer: NHANEDAND Categorie:

Diploma or certificate Dutch for ForeignersYou can join the NT2 exam for the official NT2 diploma. You can request a certificate if you submit all your homework and when you have an average satifsfactory score (5.5 or higher). Previous education Some knowledge of the Dutch language is desired for successful completion of this course. About NHA and the recognition by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science has recognized NHA as a trainer on the basis of the Official Recognized Educational Institute (WEO) for secondary education. All the NHA Courses are in compliance with the legislation comply with the quality standard required by The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. NHA applies this high quality standard to the development of all its courses.

Start with this easy and popular course and learn Dutch at home in your own pace.

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NHA opleidingen




9 maanden maanden



De 10 voordelen van NHA opleidingen:

Niet geslaagd, lesgeld terug
Studeer waar je wilt
100% examengarantie
Digitale leeromgeving
Studeer in je eigen tempo
15 dagen gratis op proef
Voordeligste opleider van Nederland
Meer dan 85 jaar ervaring
Persoonlijke begeleiding
Je mag drie jaar lang je huiswerk insturen